  • welcome to my website >:^) i know nothing about html or coding but im learning
  • i am 23, i live in new york and i love art, punk music, clowns and books
  • take a peek around contact me at ronan789adams@gmail.com if u wanna chat
  • It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

9/4/24 I have just began learning HTML in my class. I published my first official website yesterday (non neocities website at least). I am obsessed w tech and the internet right now. i feel the desire to reread all the books i did for my thesis. I want to rewrite my thesis. I am very touched by the idea of web rings. i also learned that a website on average lives 2 1/2 years and i got SO sad. I wonder what the average lifespan of a cellphone is, or like the average macbook lol. it reminds me of that episode of Welcome to Night Vale where the school gets their first computer so that the girl who is actually a human hand has someone who can help her communicate. I should have gotten around to this interest earlier considering that has always been my favorite episode. I am still at that point with work that i am nervous and trying my hardest to do good and its kinda stressful. everyone is nice though.


The great thing about this is that you can write as much as you like, and it just adds a scrollbar. Just keep writing until you can write no more!